Male Hair Loss

For men hair loss can be very stressful, as it affects confidence to a great extent. But it is more than just being laughed at, hair loss is associated with aging and can remind us of our mortality and how we perceive ourselves. Some might think their hair loss signifies the end of their youth and desirability and feel like they have become less attractive.

Therefore, men that have gone through the FUE hair transplant procedure have seen natural growth that has made them look and feel younger and more attractive. It’s helped them become more social amongst new people and their friends and family because of their heightened confidence in themselves.

Causes of Hair Loss In Men

Man noticing hairlossHair loss stems from various causes, including the prevalent genetic form for both men and women, illnesses, and medications. To identify the root cause, it’s essential to undergo an examination with a certified hair loss expert like Dr. Katona, accredited by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery.

In men, lifestyle factors can also contribute to hair loss. Stress, exposure to chemicals or UV rays, smoking, and alcohol consumption may trigger or worsen hair loss.

Male Pattern Hair Loss (Androgenetic hair loss)

This form of hair loss is prevalent among men, affecting 50-70% of males. It involves the miniaturization of scalp hairs, where thick terminal hairs are replaced by finer, thinner versions.

Hair loss commonly runs in families. The severity of male pattern hair loss is often classified using the Hamilton-Norwood Scale, which assesses the extent of hair loss. Most frequently, men experience hair loss in the frontal hairline and vertex (crown) of the scalp. Although distressing, numerous medical and surgical treatment options are available. Currently, only two medications for male pattern hair loss are FDA approved. Additionally, several low-level light therapy (LLLT) devices are FDA cleared for treating androgenetic alopecia. Hair restoration surgery offers patients a more permanent and dramatic solution. Camouflaging agents are also popular and effective.

Katona - Norwood Male Hair Loss Chart 

Temporary Hair Loss in Men

Several medical conditions can lead to temporary hair thinning, with hypothyroidism being a common cause in men. Treating this condition typically reverses the temporary hair thinning, underscoring the importance of consulting a physician to identify the underlying cause. Other potential triggers for temporary baldness include exposure to general anesthesia, high fever, physical trauma, and chemotherapy.

Elevated stress levels can also contribute to temporary baldness. Although the exact mechanism behind this type of hair loss is not fully understood, emotional and hormonal factors can lead to excessive shedding. Typically, with temporary hair loss, regrowth occurs within 3-4 months.

Types of Male Hair Loss

  • Telogen Effluvium Hair Loss
    This condition involves diffuse hair shedding triggered by major physiologically stressful events. Examples include high fever, crash dieting, general anesthesia, prolonged illness or hospitalization, hormonal or thyroid disorders, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medications. Major life events such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or financial loss can also lead to telogen effluvium.
  • Thyroid Disorder
    Untreated hyper- or hypothyroidism can result in hair shedding and eyebrow thinning or loss.
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
    Hair shedding has been linked to low levels of iron, zinc, and vitamin D in medical literature.
  • Hair Loss From Medications
    Certain medications like high-dose vitamin A, isotretinoin, and specific cardiovascular drugs such as beta-blockers (metoprolol, propranolol) and low molecular weight heparin (and less commonly warfarin) have been associated with hair shedding. Discontinuing the drug for 3-6 months to observe if shedding resolves, then restarting the drug to see if shedding recurs, is necessary to confirm medication-related hair loss. This evaluation process can take 6-12 months, and patients should consult their doctor before stopping any medication to avoid potential risks.
  • Anagen Effluvium
    This type of hair loss occurs due to a disruption of the hair growth cycle during its actively growing (anagen) phase, often after certain chemotherapy treatments. While hair loss is typically temporary, some individuals may experience scanty regrowth or permanent changes in hair texture or caliber. Concurrent use of topical minoxidil has been shown to delay hair loss and promote regrowth in some cases.
  • Alopecia Areata
    An autoimmune form of hair loss characterized by small round-to-oval patches on the scalp, alopecia areata can affect larger areas, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair. It results from an attack on hair follicles by lymphocytes (T-cells), sometimes targeting pigment cells, leading to white regrowth. Treatment options range from topical and intralesional corticosteroids to systemic immunosuppressive therapies such as methotrexate or prednisone, with increasing use of JAK inhibitors. Many cases resolve spontaneously without treatment.
  • Congenital Triangular Alopecia
    Localized to the frontotemporal scalp, this form of alopecia typically appears in early childhood, presenting in various shapes along the frontal and lateral hairlines. There is no inflammation or scarring, but scalp pathology reveals normal follicle numbers with miniaturization. Hair restoration surgery is the mainstay of therapy for adults.

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